Anti-Racism Education
- Anti-Racism Educational Resources
- Anti-Racism Resources
- Anti Racism Resources: Experiences Canada
- Anti-Racism: A compilation of teacher resources for learning and teaching about racism and anti-racism
- Anti-Racism Education in Canada: Best Practices
Some Key Thinkers
Key Questions: Conversations about Anti-Racism with White People
Is racism really a thing at uOttawa?
- Talking about systemic racism: Grad students lead conversations about change needed in academia (August 14th 2020)
- Message from President Jacques Frémont concerning an incident at the Faculty of Arts (October 19th 2020)
- Ottawa police hate crime unit investigating graffiti incident at uOttawa (October 20th 2020)
- University of Ottawa professors just can’t stop using the N-word. Student and faculty outrage is boiling over (October 20th 2020)
- An appeal for calm and reflection from President Jacques Frémont (October 21st 2020)
- Together Against Racism: A Year of Action 2020-2021
What is white privilege?
Why is not OK to say the N Word in class?
- Ta-Nehisi Coates explains (5 min video)
- On banning the N-word in academia
Intent vs. impact: Are you still accountable if you didn’t mean to?
- Why #standingwithDNLee’s Orientation towards SciAm Was So Important
- “But I didn’t mean it!” Why it’s so hard to prioritize impacts over intents.
What is the actual definition of racism?
What is white fragility?
What is white supremacy?
What happens when we stay silent?
Why does it feel so uncomfortable to talk about race?
Why can’t I just ask my Black friends and colleagues to tell me about this?
How do many of my BIPOC colleagues and professors feel about using the N-word in class?
- Read the statement issued by the BIPOC Caucus of at the University of Ottawa
Black History in Canada
- Black History in Canada
- Blacks in Canada: A long history
- The Black Canadian Experience in Ontario
- Ontario Black History Society
- Teaching Black Canadian History Every Month
Black Canadians You Should Know
Black Excellence in Canada
- Black Excellence: Celebrating the Africa of our Dreams
- Black History Month: Celebrating Black Excellence
Books to Read with a Canadian Focus
- EN: Policing Black Lives by Robyn Maynard
- EN: The skin we’re in by Desmond Cole
More to come…