Comment s'inscrire à la formation? | How to sign up for the training?

À l'automne de chaque année scolaire, vous recevrez un courriel de la part de la cohorte cL2c. Nous vous informerons des dates de la formation et vous inviterons à vous inscrire! 

In the fall of each school year, watch for an email from the cL2c cohort. We will inform you of the dates of the training and invite you to sign up! 

Pour en savoir plus sur le DELF en Ontario et au Canada, consultez ce site web, ainsi que les articles de recherche suivante! Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur l'utilisation du CECR dans vos pratiques d'enseignement en Ontario, ce site web est une excellente ressource! Des ressources supplémentaires sont également disponibles ci-dessous!

To learn more about the DELF in Ontario and Canada, check out this website, as well the following research articles! Finally, if you are interested in learning more about using the CEFR in your teaching practices in Ontario, this website is a great resource! Additional resources are also found below!

Rehner, K. (2014). French Second Language (FSL) Student Proficiency and Confidence Pilot Project 2013-2014: A Report of Findings. Transforming FSL. 


Rehner, K. (2017). The CEFR in Ontario: Transforming classroom practice.


Rehner, K. (2018). The classroom practices of DELF teacher-correcteurs: A pan-Canadian perspective. mars_2018_EN_final.pdf 


Rehner, K., Lasan, I., Popovich, A., & Palta, Z. (2021). The Impact of CEFR-Related Professional Learning   on Second-Language Teachers’ Classroom Practice: The Case of French in Canada. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(1), 26–53. 


Rehner, K., Popovich, A., & Lasan, I. (2021). How the CEFR is impacting French-as-a-Second- Language in Ontario, Canada: Teachers’ self-reported instructional practices and students’ proficiency exam results. Languages, 6(15), 1–21. languages6010015 


Vandergrift, L. (2015). The DELF in Canada: Perceptions of students, teachers, and parents. Canadian Modern Language Review, 71(1), 52-74.